Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pekudei 5774

These are the accountings (pekudei) of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), the Mishkan of Testimony.” (Shemot/Exodus 38:21)

The word pekudei usually is translated “reckonings” or “accountings” but Tehillim /Psalms 19:9 uses the same word with a different translation: Pekudei Hashem yesharim means “the orders/commands of Hashem are upright.” This brings a deeper meaning to the Torah verse.

Dr. Nosson Chayim Leff on writes that the Sfas Emes understands “orders” or “commands” to be mitzvot (commandments). The Sfas Emes goes on to explain how pekudei relates to the Mishkan. Writes Dr. Leff: “The word Mishkan comes from the same root as Shechina, the presence of Hashem. Thus, continuing this line of thought, we see that pekudei haMishkan comes to mean that by doing mitzvot, we bring Hashem into our midst.”

How does performing mitzvot bring G-d’s Presence into our midst?

Dr. Leff continues: “The pasuk (verse) says “the Tabernacle of Testimony”. The Sfas Emes explains that by performing mitzvot, we bear witness that we accept Hashem’s Kingship. Every mitzvah we do is testimony that we subordinate our will to that of Hashem.  And in so doing, Hashem’s Presence in the world becomes more apparent to the naked eye.”

As parents, even though we often are busy, rushed and preoccupied, we must slow down, concentrate and perform mitzvot with the proper kavana (intent) to connect with Hashem and do as He has commanded. When we do this, we will bring G-d’s Presence into our hearts, our homes and our world.

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